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发布日期:2019-05-21    作者:     来源:     点击:




报告人:Chen-Hsiang (Jones) Yu , Associate Professor, Wentworth Institute of Technology Boston,Massachusetts, USA

题目:Building Mobile Engineering and Health Systems


Dr. Chen-Hsiang (Jones) Yu is an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Networking at Wentworth Institute of Technology. He is also an affiliated faculty member at the Center for Dynamical Biomarkers, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School, and HCI group at Tufts University. He earned B.Eng. and M.S. in Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) from Tamkang University (1998) and National Taiwan University (2000), and Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT (2012) under Prof. Rob Miller's guidance. He has won Blittersdorf Faculty Award, Segan Faculty Fund Grants Award, five Presidential EPIC Mini Grants Awards, ACM UIST Best Poster Award, ACM CHI Student Research Competition and several other competitions, including MIT’s First Mobile App Development competition, MIT $100K ESC competition, MIT iCampus Prize, etc.


报告人:Hongsheng Wu, Professor, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston,Massachusetts, USA

题目:Beyond Teaching in CS: A Biostatistician’s View


Dr. Hongsheng Wu is a Full Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Networking at Wentworth Institute of Technology, where he has been since 2001. He received a B.S. from Shandong University in 1996, and an M.S. from the Ohio University and an M.A. from the Boston University. He received his Ph.D. in Biostatistics from the Boston University in 2009. Besides his rewarding and exciting teaching career, Dr. Wu’s research spans a broad range of both computer science and biostatistics subfields including machine learning, data analytics, clinical trials, genetics, and health economics.


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